Barsoom to Blade Runner: "Science Fiction in Southern California"
This exhibition will include paintings, drawings, and other works of art, first editions, author's correspondence and papers as appropriate, sci-fi paperbacks, magazines, toys, film props, artifacts, and more. "Barsoom to Blade Runner" will also explore the uniquely diverse but widely misunderstood literary genre known as science fiction, and its effect on popular culture. The focus will be in science fiction writing and film which were created in Southern California. In addition, some background in the history of sci fi will be displayed. Beginning with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and progress chronologically, demonstrating the influence of real historical events on the most popular themes in sci fi. On display will be first editions of the major early authors, including Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, and pulps by Hugo Gernsback. Major authors who have ties to Southern California include Burroughs, Bradbury, Heinlein, Van Vogt, Dick, Robinson, Heinlein, Niven, Ellison, Benford, Matheson, and many others. The goal of the exhibit will be to demonstrate the wonderful range of literary themes within science fiction, and their important place in continuum of ideas and dreams.