José Guadalupe Posada: The Iconic Printmaker and his Legacy in Popular Culture
José Guadalupe Posada's images captured all aspects of daily life in Mexico City from 1889-1913, directly inspiring artists like Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco and over one hundred years later, he continues to impact countless artists creating today's social movement imagery. Due to the scope of influence and timeless quality of Posada's work he has been called prophetic and even the father of Mexican printmaking. In collaboration with Self Help Graphics & Art, over 20 artists' work will be on display from their collection highlighting the local legacy of Posada This captivating exhibit will feature a wide representation of Posada’s work, including his famous Day of the Dead calaveras and the Artist’s original printings plates. Guest Curated by Consuelo G. Flores.